Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thank you!

A HUGE thank you to Chase, Amber, Emilee, Anna,  and Jessie who purchased books at the Book Fair to donate to our classroom library! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Spelling List - Homophones

Test on Friday, November 2nd 

1. steel
2. steal
3. aloud
4. allowed
5. pore
6. pour
7. lesson
8. lessen
9. plain
10. plane
11. pedal
12. peddle
13. horse
14. hoarse
15. overdo
16. overdue

Review Words
17. burnt
18. reverse

Frequently Misspelled Words
19. there
20. their 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pumpkin Globes!!!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

It's that season already! Our fifth grade students will transform a pumpkin into a globe as a part of a social studies project, in order to practice mapping skills. We will begin this work on Monday, October 22nd. This is a project that usually takes more than a week to complete. Please help your child select and purchase a healthy pumpkin that has the potential of becoming a fantastic Earth globe. :) A pumpkin with a circumference of 35-40 inches seems to be the best size (your child should have a string to take shopping!). Pumpkins any larger are very heavy for students to transport around the classroom. Real pumpkins work best, as craft/synthetic pumpkins leave NO room for mistakes (and we will have plenty of those!). Making our own globe will be a very challenging and rewarding educational experience.

Please help your child prepare for this activity by completing the following steps at home:
1. Wash and dry the pumpkin.
2. Draw an 1/8 inch wide EQUATOR line with a red permanent marker. Attempt to get the line an equal distance between the base and top of the pumpkin.
3. Draw a 1/8 inch wide PRIME MERIDIAN, using one of the distinctive crease lines on the pumpkin.
4. Write their name near the bottom of the globe in small letters.
5. Find a good pen that will write on the pumpkin's surface to label the countries, rivers, etc.. We will also be using a Sharpie to label latitude, longitude, continents, etc.

Please bring pumpkins to our classroom before school on Monday, October 22nd.

Thanks for your support,
Miss Michel :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Red Ribbon Week

October 22nd - 26th is RED RIBBON WEEK

October 22 “No Drugs, No Alcohol,
No Sweat" Wear sweats
October 23 “Don’t Let Drugs Tie 
You Up"Wear a tie

October 24 “Sock It To Drugs” Wear crazy socks 
October 25  "Drugs Stink” Wear pink 
October 26 “Team Up Against 
Wear something of your favorite sports team. 

Upcoming Events - October

9th: Gabe Moffet assembly 
17th: Noon Dismissal
18th: No school
19th: No school
22nd-26th: Red Ribbon Week
26th: Family Fun Night from 6:00-8:00 (Wear your Halloween costume!)
30th: Picture retakes
31st: Spirit Day - Orange and Black Spirit Attack. Please bring $1.00 to donate to Arrowhead Technology Fund

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Multiplication Facts

In math, we are deep into long division, including problems with two digit divisors. However, this is becoming increasingly difficult, because the majority of students are not able to quickly recite their multiplication facts. Please spend a few minutes each night at home reviewing/studying these basic facts. It breaks my heart to see students struggling, when there is a pretty "easy fix!" 6's, 7's, and 8's seem to be presenting the most difficulty... Thank you for your help and support at home!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Saturday Live!

Arrowhead raised nearly $7,000 for our technology fund at Saturday Live! A HUGE thank you to Kim Craig for putting our basket together. Also, a big thank you to all of those who donated items or money. You are all the best! Thank you, thank you, thank you! :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Spelling Words

Spelling test on Friday, October 5th ~ 1. assume 2. bruise 3. youth 4. include 5. flute 6. view 7. souvenir 8. loose 9. confuse 10. accuse 11. nephew 12. dilute 13. cartoon 14. continue 15. cruise 16. glue Review Words 17. plead 18. private Frequently Misspelled Words 19. write 20. writing