Friday, May 26, 2017

Week of May 30th

On Wednesday we celebrated the sweet Mya's summer birthday. If you know Mya, you know how sweet, fun, smart, thoughtful, and artistic she is. Love you so, so much, Mya! Happy birthday!

It was also her brother's birthday. Thanks for the smile and treat, Mason!

Ellecia and her mom gave me the cutest basket, full of amazing goodies! 

I am obsessed with the apple leggings that they gave me! Thank you so much Stacey and Ellecia!

It was fun having Grant's snake join us for the day. Most of the kiddos really liked Mr. Grumpy...

Addison and Avery weren't too sure! ;)

Miss Hergenrider's mom passed away from cancer last week (I attended the funeral, which is why I was gone on Thursday). And it really got me thinking about life and love and losing loved ones and saying goodbye. I found this quote, which I love! And it's so true: even though I am about to say goodbye to these amazing kiddos, I will carry apart of them with me forever. Just like I carry my mom with me wherever I go. Isn't love awesome? It never leaves us! :) "All that we love deeply becomes a part of us."

I cannot believe this is the final week of school. We will spend the week doing some final end-of-the-year reading and writing activities. We will continue to review and assess on math skills. 

We will be cleaning out desks and cubbies on Thursday and taking everything home. This might not be a great day to bike, as backpacks get pretty heavy. 

We will be passing out Yearbooks on Wednesday.

This week we will participate in a sportsmanship based wiffle ball tournament. Each class gets to play two wiffle ball games during the week and as we play we look for students who are showing awesome sportsmanship, on and off the field. At the end of the week, the class will vote on the classmate who showed the best sportsmanship (this week and throughout the year). The student we select will get to play in the students vs. teachers game on the last day of school. Please make sure your kiddo has tennis shows on the days we play games (Tuesday and Thursday). We will play Mrs. Wilson's class on Tuesday morning and Mrs. Zalenski's class on Thursday. Then the teachers vs. 
We will also have the auction this week. Please have items here by Tuesday!

Enjoy your three day weekend!

Code Word = Final Four

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