Friday, May 13, 2016

Week of May 16th

We have a busy week ahead of us! Josiah's dad, Joey, will be in for a motivational talk on Monday, some career center students will be teaching us a science lesson on Tuesday, we celebrate Owen's birthday on Wednesday, we have a guest author coming to speak to us on Thursday, AND we will be Smarter Balance testing ALL week in the afternoons!  As with all of our other tests, please make sure your child is getting a good night's rest and is coming to school with a good snack and full water bottle.

We are now officially done with Lead 21, so we will spend the remainder of the year doing Book Clubs (which we've already started!) and working on reading skills such as predicting, visualizing, making connections, etc. Also, we will be reading and studying the differences between folktales, fairy tales, legends, and myths.

In math, we will learn about 3-D solid figures (spheres, rectangular prisms, cubes, etc.). We will also go back to Chapter 9 and dive deeper into comparing fractions.

In science, we will be trying to fit Project Lead the Way into the day when we are not Smarter Balance testing.

Ava brought her family's newest member, Ruby, for a visit on Wednesday. She was a really pretty dog! 

The kids have quite a fascination with Rubik's Cubes right now. I am really sick of them to be honest. However, Carson was pretty cute and proud when he made a "T." I asked if it was in honor of his Terrific Teacher, but he made it for Ty! HA!

Owen and Ty were hiking up their pants at recess... Don't know the whole story behind it, but they were cracking me up!

The kiddos did SOOOOOOO good at their Goin' Buggy performances. Man, these kids are cute AND talented! 

Code Word: Book Clubs

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