Friday, April 28, 2017

Week of May 1st

This week we will pause from our Wonders series to focus on taking our NWEA/MAP and SRI tests. Please make sure that your child comes to school well rested, with a healthy snack, and having eaten a nutritious breakfast. If anyone is interested in sending an "extra" healthy snack, it would be greatly appreciated. Many students often bring cookies, brownies, etc. and I would like to keep the sugar intake low on testing days. As always, I appreciate your support at home ensuring we see the growth all the students have made this year. 

In math, we will continue on in Chapter 12. The students have been doing so well with identifying different angles (acute, right, obtuse, and straight), naming different lines (perpendicular, parallel, and intersecting), and are mastering different quadrilaterals (trapezoids, squares, rectangles, parallelograms, and rhombuses).

Last week we celebrated our amazing volunteers at the Volunteer Breakfast. I truly would not have made it through the year with out the help of Carol, Laura H., Heather, Holly, Laura B., Kristie, Jenny, and Chuck. With 27 kids, who all have unique talents and a variety of strengths, I am so thankful for the one-on-one time you are able to help give the students. I am so grateful for you guys!!! Thanks for everything!

Code Word = Testing!

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