Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Every day, Bennett causes me to chuckle several times with things he says (and how he says them). Here are some current things he has said that have cracked me up:

* He loves to argue with my word choice. If I say something about the mud, he'll correct me: it's not mud, "it's wet dirt." If I say we are going to turn right, he informs me that we call that "not left." If I ask he wants a short-sleeved shirt, he will instead request "a shirt without long sleeves." He is pretty clever in how he phrases the OPPOSITE of what I say.

* About a hundred times a day (I'm not exaggerating) he says, "Wait! I have a good idea!" And then just says something normal. Like requesting a drink or certain TV show. But I guess in his little mind those are great ideas.

* I love the way he says "girl." He pronounces it like "grill" but with a w instead of the r. So he will say, "I am a boy and you are a gwill." It's the cutest.

* When Nick comes home from work, he happily announces, "Welcome to Bazorkee." (In his defense, Absarokee is a hard word).

* I asked him the other day if he would like to get a lab puppy in the spring. Without hesitation he replied, "Sure, but can we sell Olive?" (Olive is a typical puppy and likes to chew on his toys... and pee everywhere... and run the other way when called... and wakes us up early in the morning...). Maybe he's on to something :)

* He loves the word "regular." He only likes "regular" milk and "regular" pizza and "regular" dinosaurs.

* The other night I asked him, "How'd you get so darn cute dude?!?" His reply, "All daddy." He's right, but he didn't need to say that ;)

 * When eating Cheetos for the first time the other day, he exclaimed, "Those were delicious cheetahs! We should go shoot some more." Granted, he is used to eating the meat that Nick hunts (elk, antelope, etc.). So in his little mind those orange Cheetos surely came from an animal!

* He is big into dinosaurs right now. Which I love, because my mom LOVED paleontology. When you ask him to name a certain dinosaur, he'll reply, "That's an ancient stegosaurus" or "That's an ancient triceratops," Don't know where he picked up on the ancient word, but it's too cute.

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