Friday, January 6, 2017

Week of January 9th

The most important thing to note this week is that we will be taking our Winter NWEA tests and our SRI test on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Please make sure your child gets a good night's rest and eats a healthy breakfast! A nutritious snack and water would be great, too. I can't wait to see the growth students have made thus far this school year! 

This week in reading we will be moving on to Unit 3, Week 3, which will focus on the essential question: What do we know about Earth and it's neighbors. We will be focusing on expository (informational) texts this week. We will read "Earth and Its Neighbors" and "Coyote and the Jar of Stars." We will be working on the skills of summarizing, determining the main idea vs. details, past tense verbs, and words with -y and -ly suffixes. Our spelling words this week are: careful, stared, shared, pair, stairs, wear, bear, where, there, dear, rear, gear, here, career, peer, share, carve, storm, square, and clearly. We will focus on the vocabulary words" surface, amount, astronomy, globe, solar system, support, temperature, and warmth.

In math, we will take our Chapter 7 assessment. By now, students should be equipped with enough strategies to solve any division problem thrown their way. Also, they should have a basic under standing of Order of Operations. Ask your child if they can tell you what "PEMDAS" stands for! We will begin Chapter 8: Understanding Fractions. We will learn about fractions as an equal part of a whole, equal shares, unit fractions of a whole, and fractions of a whole.

In Science, we will begin the next part of  Project Lead the Way: simple machines.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I am anxious to see my students' smiling faces on Monday. Seventeen days away from them has been tooooooo long!

Code Word = Simple Machines

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