Monday, September 28, 2015

Week of September 28th

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I spent the weekend on the Stillwater fishing with my family. It sounds like Saturday Live was a great success.  Thank you so much for everything you donated to our baskets!  All the money raised comes straight back to our school and our kids, so I really appreciate it. A very special thank you to Jennie (Christian's mom) and Bonnie (Madeline's mom) for putting our baskets together!

This week in reading we will be finishing up our unit on changes. We will reinforce making inferences, drawing conclusions, using context clues and synonyms. Please remember to encourage your child to spend some time on Raz Kids at home, too!

In math we are going to spend a couple days reviewing chapter 1 skills (rounding, estimating sums and differences, and adding and subtracting larger numbers.  On Wednesday, we will take our Chapter 1 test!  Then we will start into chapter 2, where we start with learning about interpreting data from a table, or tally chart, as well as a picture graph. We will end the week learning how to use data to make our own picture graphs.

I also set up the Go Math online component.  I will put a sticky label in the front of the kids planners with their username and password to access the site. We will start putting the lesson we are on in our planners for the day. Then students can now login to Go Math and choose the interactive student edition and choose the lesson and practice those skills again.  If you have any questions with that please let me know!

I'm looking forward to a fabulous week! I am excited to celebrate Brennen's birthday on Friday! 

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