Friday, December 30, 2011

Unit 16 Spelling Words - Final Long e

Basic Words: turkey, lonely, merry, steady, hungry, valley, hockey, starry, melody, movie, duty, drowsy, chimney, plenty, daily, alley, eighty, empty, injury, prarie

Challenge Words: envy, fiery, mery, discoverey, mystery

Thursday, December 8, 2011

In Need Of...

Our classroom is in need of...

* Bottled water

* Pencils

* Paper Towels

Any donations would be truly appreciated! Thank you! :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Midwest States and Capitals

Columbus, Ohio
Pierre, South Dakota
Lincoln, Nebraska
Lansing, Michigan
Madison, Wisconsin
Springfield, Illinois
Jefferson City, Missouri
Bismark, North Dakota
St. Paul, Minnesota
Indianapolis, Indiana
Des Moines, Iowa
Topeka, Kansas

Unit 14 Spelling Words

Words with -ed or -ing

Basic Words: rising, traced, stripped, slammed, dancing, striped, winning, snapping, bragging, handled, dripped, begged, dared, skipped, hitting, spotted, raced, dimmed, spinning, escaped

Challenge Words: urged, striving, whipped, breathing, quizzed

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Family Fun Night... Tonight!

Just a quick reminder that tonight is Family Fun Night at Barnes & Noble from 4:00-8:00.

I will be working at a craft station and then reading at 6:00.

Hope to see you all there!
Miss Michel :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Unit 13 Spelling Words

Compound Words

Basic Words: somebody, fireplace, nearby, toothbrush, homesick, make-believe, anything, all right, goodbye, forehead, classmate, flashlight, haircut, twenty-two, driveway, alarm clock, baby-sit, airport, forever, mailbox

Challenge Words: field trip, absent-minded, life jacket, skyscraper, nevertheless

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Unit Spelling Words

Basic Words: spark, prepare, cheer, tear, scarf, rare, repair, earring, scarce, weird, sharp, rear, spare, gear, hairy, compare, alarm, harsh, upstairs, square

Challenge Words: weary, startle, appear, barnacle, awareness

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Book Donations

A HUGE thank you to Camryn M., Madi K., Amber C., Logan L., and Cali G. for purchasing books and the Book Fair and donating them to our classroom library! I am so excited to read the new additions! :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Southeast Capitals

Tallahassee, Florida
Atlanta, Georgia
Montgomery, Alabama
Columbia, South Carolina
Jackson, Mississppi
Nashville, Tennessee
Frankfort, Kentucky
Baton Rouge, Lousiana
Little Rock, Arkansas
Raleigh, North Carolina
Richmond, Virginia
Charleston, West Virginia

Monday, October 31, 2011

Unit 9 Spelling Words

Basic Words:

aloud, bald, hawk, south, faucet, proud, claw, tower, stalk, couple, howl, false, dawn, allow, drown, pause, fault, cause, amount, cloudier

Challenge Words:
applaud, foul, browse, gnaw, doubt

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Next Week

Monday, October 31st is Spirit Day. Students may bring $1 and wear their Halloween costume. No blood, props, or hair dye!

Report Cards go home on Tuesday, November 1st. Please remember to sign and return the envelope...

Parent/Teacher Conferences are next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I am sure hoping for 100% turnout! It is always nice to touch-base and discuss how your child is doing in 4th grade.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are early out days. Students will be dismissed at 12:00 on these days. However, we will be doing our normal morning routine (book clubs, new spelling list, etc.).

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Unit 8 Spelling Words

Basic Words: bloom, cookbook, tool, shampoo, put, wool, stool, proof, prove, group, brook, foolish, bush, crooked, booth, raccoon, hook, groom, roof, soup

Challenge Words: bulletin, cocoon, cushion, proofread, marooned

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Red Ribbon Week

This week is Red Ribbon Week! Here are the "themes"...

Monday: Wear RED in support of Red Ribbon Week
Tuesday: Camoflauge Day - Don't let drugs find you!
Wednesday: Slippers Day - Stomp out drugs!
Thursday: Hat Day - Put a lid on drugs!
Friday: Backwards Day - Turn your back on drugs!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Northeast Capitals

Augusta, Maine
Concord, New Hampshire
Montpelier, Vermont
Boston, Massachusetts
Providence, Rhode Island
Hartford, Connecticut
Trenton, New Jersey
Dover, Delaware
Annapolis, Maryland
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Albany, New York

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Math Book Online

To access our math book online, go to the Math Quick Link that says Math Book Online (

User Name: michel
Password: arrowhead

Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Unit 7 Spelling Words

Basic Words

Challenge Words (extra credit)

Culture Presentations

I just wanted to express what a joy it has been watching the students present their heritage projects this week. We have eaten delicious food, learned new words in various languages, and heard unforgettable stories. Thank you to each students for sharing a little bit about your heritage with the class! :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Unit 5 Spelling List

This week's unit is Homophones! Only one student got a 100% on their pretest. You are really going to have to understand each word's meaning to do well this week. Make sure you can give each word in a sentence to ensure you understand its meaning! :) I will put a hint next to some of the words...

weight (scale)
heard (ear)
herd (of animals)
creek (water)
heel (foot)
heal (bandaid)
peak (of a mountain)
sent (mail)
cent (a penny)
scent (smell)
ring - what Brad Pitt will give me one day :)
wring (a wet towel)
vane (weather/wind)
vein (blood)
miner (gold mine)
minor (under the age of 18)

Friday, September 30, 2011

1st Quarter Midterms

Today your child will be bringing home his or her 1st quarter midterm (can you believe we are half way through the first quarter?!?). You do NOT need to return this to school... It is for you to keep. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Michel

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

October Events

3rd - PTA Board Meeting
7th - Tears of Joy Assembly @ 1:00
14th - Family Fun Night
20th - No School
21st - No School
24th - 28th - Red Ribbon Week
27th - Donuts for Dads
28th - End of 1st Quarter
28th - Spirit Day (Wear your costumes and bring $1)
31st - Halloween

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Unit 4 Spelling Words

Short o/ Long o

Basic Words

Challenge Words

Friday, September 23, 2011

Open House

A HUGE thank you to those that came to Open House. The majority of parents were not able to attend, however, so here is a quick recap of things discussed....

Your child should be reading at least 25 minutes each night... If you want more homework for your child, please encourage them to work on their Super Star Challenge, Accelerated Math (should be up and running shortly), play educational games on my blog, study spelling words, work on their multiplication and division facts, etc.

Please make sure your child has a water bottle and snack each day. Feel free to send a box of snack for your child to keep at school (that way you don't have to worry about sending one each day).

In regards to birthday treats: there are 30 students in our class and NO allergies.

The best way to get a hold of me is either by calling in the morning (I am at school by 6:30 most mornings) or by email throughout the day. My email address is

Please be patient with me in regards to volunteering the classroom. I want everyone (who wants to) to have an opportunity to help out in the room, join us on field trips, etc. The first month is tricky, but I promise there will be lots of opportunities as the year progresses. :) So thank you for your patience.

Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone who sent items or money for our three Saturday Live baskets. Mary Keeley did a FABULOUS job putting the baskets together. They look wonderful and the kids are so excited!

If you have any further questions, please let me know! I am sending home an Open House packet for those who could not attend in Tuesday Folders.

Have a terrific weekend,
Miss Michel :)

P.S. I hope to see everyone at Saturday Live!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Unit 3 Spelling Words


Challenge Words (extra credit):

Test on Friday, September 23rd

Friday, September 9, 2011

Upcoming Events

Friday, September 16th - PTA Ice Cream Social and Luau

Thursday, September 22nd - Open House (for parents)

Saturday, September 24th - Saturday Live! (Our baskets are Tie Dye, Lego, and Spa Day)

I hope to see everyone at these fun events! :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

NWEA Testing

Our class will be completing our Fall NWEA tests on September 14th, 15th, and 16th. Thank you in advance for making sure your child is well rested and fed a nutriocious breakfast on these days.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A few things...

First of all, thank you for making my birthday such a delight! I was totally spoiled and felt very, very loved. Thank you to everyone who sent cards, food, gifts, etc. The gift I treasure the most, however, is having 30 AMAZING students. They bless my socks off every, single day. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Our class voted and decided on a few Saturday Live baskets they would like to contribute to. Our basket themes this year are: Tie Dye (great idea, Lauren!), Spa Day, and Lego. If you would like to contribute to one of these baskets, it would be greatly appreciated! More details will come in the next Tuesday folder.

I think that is all for now... Week two is going wonderfully! :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Unit 1 Spelling Words

Long a/Short a

1. blade
2. gray
3. past
4. afraid
5. magic
6. delay
7. amaze
8. drain
9. says
10. break
11. sale
12. hang
13. stain
14. glass
15. raft
16. jail
17. crayon
18. fact
19. stale
20. steak

Challenge Words (Extra Credit)
1. fraction
2. trait
3. champion
4. activity
5. graceful

Specialist Times

Music: Monday and Wednesday from 2:00-2:30 with Mrs. Waddell
Library: Friday from 2:00-3:00 with Mr. Casey
Art: Thursday from 1:00-2:00 with Mrs. Kindleman
Health: Wednesday from 12:00-1:00 with Mr. Weik
P.E.: Thursday from from 2:00-3:00 with Mr. Weik
Computer Lab: Tuesday from 2:00-3:0 with Miss Michel

** Please make sure to wear tennis shoes on Wednesdays and Thursdays. We don't want to make Mr. Weik crabby :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fabulous First Day!

Wow! I went home with a HUGE grin on my face last night! What a marvelous beginning to the school year. I can already tell this is a truly fun, polite group of students. I am so anxious to see what the year has in store for us! :)

Please return the papers that were in the Tuesday folders asap (I know there were a lot). Your hands were probably tired after signing and filling out so many different forms, but I truly appreciate your prompt return. Arrowhead parents are the best!

If you haven't already done so, please send $5 with your child so he or she can buy an assignment notebook. Starting next week, we will use them everyday.

Thank you again for making the first day so wonderful!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Meet and Greet

I would love to see you at the Meet and Greet on Monday, August 22nd from 4:45-5:15. It will be a great time to bring in your supplies, meet your new teacher and classmates, and get a feel for your classroom. I hope you see you all then! :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Important Dates for Next School Year


8th: Main Office Open
9th: New Student Enrollment
12th: Class Lists Posted
18th: Lunch tickets, bus tickets, and planners can be purchased
22nd: Meet and greet your teacher (4:45-5:15 for Intermediate; 5:15-5:45 for Primary)
24th: First Day of School


5th: No School
16th: Carnival
22nd: Open House (6:00-7:00)
24th: Saturday Live!

Monday, May 23, 2011

This Week

Just a few reminders for this week...

Field day tomorrow (Tuesday) - weather permitting. If it is raining, it will be rescheduled for next Tuesday (May 31st).

BBQ on Wednesday

Pizza Party and Capture the Chicken (for our class celebration) on Thursday

Pompey's Pillar on Friday - please pack a sacked lunch, dress appropriately, etc.

Only 9 more days of school left! Can you believe it?!?!?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Class Celebration

Just an FYI: Our class earned our goal of 70 compliments this week! Woo hoo! They have worked hard for each and every compliment! Anyways, the students decided on enjoying pizza for lunch, followed by a game of Capture the Chicken. We will plan on having this celebration on Wednesday, May 25th (unless the weather doesn't cooperate!).

There is no need to send any money for the pizza, as a parent has graciously offered to pay for the pizza. Thank you Jeff and Shelly! :)

Unit 32 Spelling List

Unit 32

1. title
2. towel
3. battle
4. pedal
5. metal
6. simple
7. eagle
8. special
9. total
10. trouble
11. nickel
12. gentle
13. barrel
14. model
15. tangle
16. ankle
17. marvel
18. juggle
19. squirrel
20. riddle

Challenge Words
1. cancel
2. decimal
3. material
4. pretzel
5. triangle

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, May 24th - Field Day (1:00-3:00 for Intermediate students)

Wednesday, May 25th - Arrowhead Spring BBQ

Friday, May 27th - Spirit Day: Hawaiian

Friday, May 27th - Pompey's Pillar field trip (Please remember to dress appropirately, wear sunscreen, pack a sack lunch, and bring water)

Monday, May 30th - Memorial Day - no school

Wednesday, June 1st - Awards Assembly

Friday, June 3rd - Last Day of School - Out at noon

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Unit 31 Spelling Words

Basic Words


Challenge Words


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Fever

We have around 30 days of school left. I honestly cannot believe it. Where has the year gone?!?! It is such a bittersweet time for me. We all are excited for summer and its activities, however the thought of saying "good-bye" to these 28 students breaks my heart. It is truly a fabulous group of kids.

Spring fever has officially set in, however. Most of the fourth graders have become very "comfortable" and seem to be forgetting some basic manners, rules, expectations, etc. We have had several class meetings recently. If you could reiterate the importance of having a cooperative, considerate, and courteous behavior with your child, it would be greatly appreciated. I want to end the year on a positive, enjoyable note, which requires respectful behavior by all.

Thank you so much for all your support!

Recorder Concert

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, siblings, etc. that attended our recorder concert. It was sure a fabulous turnout! The fourth graders worked very hard, and I know your support meant so much to them. Thank you so much!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Unit 28 Spelling Words

Basic Words


Challenge Words


Thursday, March 31, 2011

NWEA Testing

We will be doing our NWEA tests next week on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (April 6th, 7th, and 8th)!

We will be testing from 8:30-10:00 on these days.

If you are planning on being gone, please let me know!

Please remember to eat a healthy breakfast and get a good night's sleep on these days! :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

West Region Capitals

Olympia, Washington
Salem, Oregon
Sacramento, California
Carson City, Nevada
Salt Lake City, Utah
Denver, Colorado
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Helena, Montana
Boise, Idaho
Juneau, Alaska
Honolulu, Hawaii

We will have our capital quiz on Friday! :)

Unit 27 Spelling Words

Basic Words
1. poster
2. secret
3. whether
4. author
5. rocket
6. bushel
7. agree
8. bucket
9. ticket
10. declare
11. chicken
12. clothing
13. apron
14. whiskers
15. degree
16. gather
17. achieve
18. rather
19. bracket
20. machine

Challenge Words
1. regret
2. nephew
3. method
4. decline
5. vibrate

Monday, March 21, 2011

In need of...

Our classroom is in need of a few items...

* Band-aids
* Oust
* Water bottles
* Pencils

Thank you so very much!

Unit 26 Spelling Words

Here are this weeks spelling words...

Basic Words:
1. dentist
2. final
3. finish
4. narrow
5. shelter
6. ahead
7. corner
8. hollow
9. divide
10. famous
11. recent
12. silver
13. capture
14. diner
15. dinner
16. minus
17. minute
18. value
19. reward
20. broken

Challenge Words:
1. decent
2. secure
3. standard
4. frontier
5. stampede

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Merci beaucoup!

A big thank you to Mandy Koch, Elizabeth Potter, Nita Murphy, and Liz Wetmore for sending nutricious and delicious snacks for us this week! It was a much appreciated treat on this stressful testing week. Thank you again so much!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Book Order

I sent a book order home in this week's Tuesday folders. If you want to place an order, please send it to school by next Friday, March 11th.

I have also set up parent online ordering. You can just go to to place an order online. The code is: GRWLL

Thanks so much! :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

MontCAS Testing

Fourth graders will be taking their MontCAS tests (Reading, Math, and Science) from Tuesday, March 15th through Friday, March 18th.

Please make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a nutritious breakfast this week!

Thanks so much,
Ms. Michel

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It is half way through the third quarter, which means midterms are coming home today! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email or call me!

Valentine's Day

I want to thank Melissa and Linda Hoppman for a FABULOUS Valentine's Day party! What a fun day! We played so many cool games and activities!

Also, I want to thank the students for their amazing behavior! It was honestly thee BEST Valentine's Day I have ever had. The students were polite, kind, and stayed respectful all day. I am sooooooooo blessed with such a wonderful group of kiddos!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Class List for Valentine's :)

o Caleb
o Madeline Dawson
o Melissa
o Bergan
o Brad
o Aliyah
o Vinnie
o Cole
o Kinzee
o Hannah
o Mady
o Lilly
o Cade
o Hayden
o Jordan
o Daphne
o Aidan
o Abbi
o Madeline Sandstead
o J.D.
o Carter
o Isabelle
o Jason
o Ben
o Cheslea
o Alex
o Ashlyn

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Unit 19 Spelling Words

risky, track, topic, blank, question, pocket, monkey, junk, equal, ache, public, attack, struck, earthquake, picnic, banker, electric, blanket, mistake, stomach

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spelling Words

Unit 17: Changing Final "y" to "i"

1. tiniest
2. hobbies
3. copied
4. countries
5. pitied
6. easier
7. laziest
8. families
9. spied
10. happiest
11. ladies
12. friendlier
13. studied
14. busier
15. breezier
16. prettiest
17. nosier
18. healthier
19. butterflies
20. funniest

Challenge Words
1. heaviest
2. categories
3. communities
4. multiplied
5. qualities

Friday, January 14, 2011

End of 2nd quarter...

Today (January 14th) marks the END of the 2nd quarter! Can you believe we are half way through the year?!?! (I can't!)

Anyways, this means that all assignments starting Monday count towards students' 3rd quarter grades. Also, any AR test taken starting Monday will go towards their 3rd quarter goal. Make sense?

Report cards will come home on Friday the 21st. Please return the signed envelope asap.

Thanks so much for a great quarter!
Miss Michel :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Midwest Capitals

We will be having our Midwest Capitals quiz on Friday. Here are the capitals they should know:

Bismark, North Dakota
Topeka, Kansas
Madison, Wisconsin
Jefferson City, Missouri
Des Moines, Iowa
Columbus, Ohio
St. Paul, Minnesota
Pierre, South Dakota
Indianapolis, Indiana
Lincoln, Nebraska
Springfield, Illinois
Lansing, Michigan