Thursday, September 30, 2010

Odd Request


I have an odd request (I promise there is a method to my madness!). Could you please make sure your child's name is written somewhere on his or her cold lunch box?

Thanks so much!

:) Miss Michel

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday Folder

In last night's Tuesday folders a few important papers that came home were...

* Picture order forms (Pictures are on October 6th)

* International Walk to School day form

* Book orders (due Tuesday, October 5th)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Please make sure that you are reviewing and signing your child's planner every night. This helps strengthen the communication between home and school, ensuring we are all on the same page!

Thanks so much! What a great first 10 days of school! :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Saturday Live Baskets

Our class brainstormed, voted, and decided on two basket themes for Saturday Live. We decided on "Stupendous Sports Sack" and "Chick Flick."

Look for the flyer in this week's Tuesday Folder with more information on the baskets (including ideas for items to go in each basket).

Any contributions would be greatly appreciated!

NWEA Testing

Just an FYI: Our class will be taking our Fall NWEA tests on Monday, September 13th and Wednesday, September 15th.

Ice Cream Social

This Friday, September 10th, is Arrowhead's annual Ice Cream Social / Carnival.

I hope to see everyone there! It is always a blast!

:) Miss Michel