Tuesday, February 23, 2010

MontCAS testing

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that it is almost March! The school year is flying by and I am enjoying each and every day with your children. Thanks for raising such amazing kids!
I wanted let you know of our upcoming testing dates. Starting Tuesday, March 2nd, we will be taking the MontCAS tests in Reading, Math, and Science. It will take us the entire week to complete testing (March 2nd – March 5th).
We will take the tests in the mornings and afternoons, so please make sure your child eats a nutricious breakfast and packs a healthy snack. Also, please make sure that your child gets a good night’s (or weeks) sleep. ☺

Thanks so much,
Miss Michel ☺

Friday, February 19, 2010

March Events

1st - PTA Board Meeting @ 11:45
2nd - MontCAS Testing Starts
3rd - Honor Orchestra Concert
10th - Honor Band Concert
15th-19th Healthy Habits Week
22nd - Class Pictures
22nd - Will James Honor Choir 1:10
25th - Science Fair
26th - Quarter Ends
March 29th – April 2nd Spring Break

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Class Celebration

On Wednesday, February 24th, during our “free choice time”, we will be enjoying a reward earned by our class. The students may bring board games to play with their classmates. They may also bring I-pods or hand-held electronic games such as Game-Boy DS and PSP. If they choose to bring electronics, they assume responsibility for the game’s safety, and it must remain in their backpack until choice time begins. The games will not be allowed out at recess or in the classrooms until that time. Additionally, all games must have an “E” or “E-10” rating. No Teen or Mature games will be permitted. If you have any questions about this “celebration”, please feel free to call me at school or to e-mail me.

Miss Michel :)

Friday the 19th

~ Spirit Day tomorrow (Urkel) - bring $1.00 if participating!

~ Family Fun Night (Hawaiian Luau) from 6:30 - 8:30. I hope to see everyone there!

Monday, February 8, 2010

In Need...

Our classroom is in need of...

* Bandaids
* No. 2 Pencils
* Accelerated Math Volunteers

As the math concepts are getting more difficult, I foresee needing more volunteers during Accelerated Math! Please let me know if you are willing to Volunteer on Friday afternoons from 12:40-1:20. Even on Friday a month would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks a bunch,
Miss Michel

Tonight @ 5:30

Tune in to Q2 (channel 5) tonight at 5:30 to watch our class being featured during the "One Class at a Time" segment!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Big Sky Fit Shirts


As you probably know by now, our class is participating in the Big Sky Fit Kids program during February, March, and April. Your child should be tracking their physical activity, as well as the amount of fruits and veggies they are eating. This program is totally FREE! However, if your child wants a shirt, they are available for $5.

So, if you want to order a shirt for your child, please send the $5 to school with your child BY Friday.

Miss Michel :)

P.S. A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Krogh and Mrs. Weiss for all their help with this "project!"