Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Concert

Just a quick reminder that your child's Christmas concert for music is this Friday. There will be two performance times: 8:45 and 1:00.

Hope to see you there! :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Adopt a Child

As a class, we have decided to "adopt" two children this Christmas season. Any donations to make these children's Christmas a little brighter would be greatly appreciated.

Most of the children at Arrowhead are so blessed with tons of possessions and love, and I believe it's important to teach them the benefits of giving and having compassion for others.

The children we are adopting are...

Lindsey is a four year old girl who is in foster care and that has been diagnosed with Leukemia. She loves baby dolls and Little Pet Shop toys.

Aaron is a three year old boy who recently lost both his parents. He loves anything to do with cars.

Monday, November 23, 2009


As Thanksgiving soon approaches, I want to express how thankful I am for each of you! I truly love coming to work every, single day. I get to spend time with and teach 25 of the best kids in the world.

Parents, thank you for all you do at home to make sure your child succeeds and thrives at school!

Students, thank you for coming to school every day with such phenomenal attitudes and eagerness to learn. I am so blessed to be your teacher!

Happy Thanksgiving,
Miss Michel :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thanks a bunch!

A huge thank you to Mason, Hanna, Kassidy, Max, AJ, and Owen for donating books to our classroom library from the Book Fair.

Thanks a bunch! I sure appreciate it!

:) Miss Michel

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Scholastic Book Orders

I am sending home some new Scholastic book orders in today's Tuesday folders. If ordering, you can send the order to school with your child, or you made submit your order online.

Here is the online information you will need:

Page Address:
Class Name:Michel4

Half Days

Just a quick reminder... Due to parent-teacher conferences this week, students will have HALF DAYS of school on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Cultural Awareness/Heritage Project

Assignment: Your 4th grader needs to have some discussions with relatives over the weekend. Topics for discussion may include: family roots: what countries ancestors came from; when they arrived in America; information about one or two of those countries, including, but not limited to: location of the country, language spoken, foods, dress, traditions, etc. If you have a family tree already done, this would be a good time to pull it out and share it with the family.

I realize that some students may have extensive access to this type of information, while others may have limited information. I would like to see each student come up with a unique project to show and share his or her heritage/culture with the class.

The project/presentation needs to incorporate the following:

· A map or drawing

· A picture/photograph

· An artifact(s) --- examples include: books, trinkets, clothing, letters, dolls, newspaper articles, anything that represents part of their heritage!

· A story

I demonstrated a project for the class, so the students should have some ideas of what I am expecting. Have fun doing this project!

Due Date: Thursday, November 5th

Thursday, October 29, 2009

November Events

2nd - Reflections Assembly
2nd - PTA Board Meeting
3rd - Report Cards Go Home
4th - Billings Symphony
4th- Parent Teacher Conferences
5th Parent Teacher Conferences
6th Half Day 12:00 Dismissal
12th Blood Drive Gym
13th Picture Retake Day
19th Billings Youth Symphony
20th Spirit Day Cat/Griz
24th Early Out 12:00
25-26th Thanksgiving Vacation

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Birthday!

We have a full week of Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to Nathalie, Max, Bodhi, and Dallin!

I hope you all have a FABULOUS week, filled with lots of fun and laughter!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Red Ribbon Week

Next Week is Red Ribbon (Drug Free) Week. Here are the days and themes:

Monday the 26th: Wear Red
Tuesday the 27th: Camouflage day
Wednesday the 28th: Slippers Day
Thursday the 29th: Favorite Hat Day
Friday the 30th: Costume Day

On Friday, if students are dressing up in their costumes, they are asked to bring $1. This goes towards Student Council's goal of purchasing a new big toy!

Posting a Comment

I know a lot of you have tried posting a comment on my blog without any success. I think I have solved/fixed the problem.

If you want to comment, here is what you need to do:
1) Click on "Comments"
2) Type your comment
3) In the box where it says "Comment as," scroll down and select "Name/URL"
4) In the box that pops up, simply type your name (you don't need to fill in the URL box) and click "continue."
5) Then, you can click "Post Comment."

Hope this helps! :)

Compliment Celebration

Tomorrow (Thursday) morning, our class will be having a little "Compliment Celebration." The students have worked very hard towards earning 50 compliment points. As a reward, they chose to have a Pajama Day. I will also bring popcorn for the students. They can bring a drink if they wish. I would prefer this would be decaffeinated beverage. :)

Arrowhead now has access to over 118,000 Accelerated Reader quizzes at the AR Enterprises Site.

You can check your books at home by going to This is a great tool to use when choosing a book.

To clarify: This website will give you the books reading level and point value. It will also give you a brief synopsis of each book, as well as an interest level and rating scale.

However, it will not let your child take an AR test. This still must be done at school.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Online Ordering

I have set it up so you can now place your Scholastic Book Order Online. You will need the following information:

Page Address:
Class Name:Michel4

Friday, October 16, 2009

Book Orders

If you are going to place an order, please return to school by Friday, October 23rd. Thanks!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thank you, thank you, thank you

A HUGE thank you to those who have sent donations for me to enhance and enrich the curriculum with some "extra" items.

I was truly excited as I ordered the big Montana and U.S. maps for the students this week.

Words cannot express what a major blessing the donations were.

Thank you sooooooo very much! :)

Next Week

Just a few quick reminders...

Wednesday we will be going to the NILE from 8:30 - 11:30. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately, since much of the day is spent outside.

No School on Thursday or Friday.

Students have been asked to bring some 3 x 5 index cards for math. They will be used to finish making multiplication flash cards.

Have a fabulous weekend!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009


We need some magazines that can be cut up for a Social Studies project coming up. So, if you have any old magazines that you would be willing to donate to our classroom, that would be fabulous. Thanks a ton!

October Events

7th - Walk to School Day
13th - Rusty May Assembly
14th - 4th grade to the NILE
15th- MEA - No School
16th - MEA - No School
23rd - Family Fun Night
26th - 30th - Red Ribbon Week
27th - Donuts for Dad @ 7:15
30th - End of 1st Quarter

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Latitude/Longitude Link

In Social Studies, we have been learning about how to locate a specific place using latitude and longitude. I have added a link called "Latitude / Longitude Game" to the quick links on my blog. This might be a great website to explore with your child to help strengthen this new Social Studies skill! Enjoy!

I hope to see you all tonight at Open House! :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Open House

A quick reminder that Open House is this Thursday from 6:00 - 7:00. I hope to see you all there!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Accelerated Math

Our class will be doing Accelerated Math every Friday afternoon from about 12:40 to 1:20. If you are interested in volunteering (whether every week, once a month, etc.) please let me know! Thanks!

Ice Cream Social

Reminder... Ice Cream Social tonight at 5:30! Hope to see everyone there!

Grade Sheets

Each 4th grade student will receive a weekly grade sheet this year. This will let you know how your child is doing academically. Also, this will let you know of any missing assignments. Please look for this grade sheet every week in your child's Tuesday folder. However, this week it is coming home today! :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Few Reminders


What a great first few weeks we have had! What a great group of kids! I truly look forward to coming to school each and every day. Thanks for sharing your child with me!

Just a few reminders...

* We will be taking our NWEA tests on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Please make sure your child eats a healthy breakfast and gets a good night's sleep.

* Please make sure you are signing your child's planner every night.

* Students should be reading at least 20 minutes every school night. They have each made an AR goal for the quarter, and can start taking tests any time.

* Our class is doing two baskets for Saturday Live: "Do You Believe in Magic?" and "Nail Art." Any contribution is greatly appreciated. All the money raised goes to Arrowhead!

* Ice Cream Social is a week from today ~ Friday, September 18th ~ at 5:30. Hope to see everyone there!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, September 4, 2009

NWEA Testing

Our class will be taking the NWEA tests on September 15th, 16th, and 17th.

Please make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a healthy breakfast on these days.

Thanks a bunch! :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Social Studies Homework

Today in Social Studies we read and discussed four different types of social scientists: economists, geographers, political scientists, and historians. We also discussed artifacts, which are things people use in their daily lives (maps, coupons, ads, photographs, etc.)

Your homework for Social Studies is to find an artifact for each of the four social sciences and bring them to school on Tuesday, September 8th. Think about the things that would interest each of the social scientists ~ be creative.

Please bring your artifacts to school on Tuesday, September 8th.

September Events

7th - No School (Labor Day)
18th - Ice Cream Social at 5:30
24th - Arrowhead Open House 6:00
26th - Saturday Live from 10:00-4:00
29th - Tears of Joy assembly

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Specialist Times

Monday - Music 
Tuesday - Art
Wednesday - Health/P.E.
Thursday - Library 
Friday - Music and Health/P.E. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome Letter

Dear Parents,

My name is Whitney Michel and I would like to welcome your child to the fourth grade. This is my second year teaching at Arrowhead Elementary. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and Reading from Montana State University-Billings in 2007. I completed my student teaching experience, under a wonderful mentor teacher, in a fourth grade classroom. Upon student teaching, I spent my time substitute teaching in various elementary schools throughout the School District 2. I am thrilled to be entering my second year at Arrowhead. It is such a wonderful school ~ filled with amazing students and parents. I frequently pinch myself and wonder how I got so lucky! J

Fourth grade is an exciting time as children embark upon new adventures in the world of learning. Fourth grade students achieve much this year in terms of academic growth, greater self-confidence, and improved social skills. This year your child will take a giant step into the intermediate grades. You will want to be aware of some of the academic and social changes that might occur so you and your child are ready for the fourth grade.

Some of the academic changes occurring in the fourth grade include more subjects and a longer day, added responsibility for assignments, and a need to develop and display independent skills. This is a year of important transitions, as well as one in which acquisition of new skills is accelerated.

I consider it of prime importance that you be an active part of your child's education. Good communication between parent, teacher, and student is very important for your child’s academic growth. To help increase communication, please make sure to sign your child’s planner every night and to read our classroom blog. This will have important information for the next week, along with events from the previous week, and helpful reminders.

I hope to make your child's learning experience a fun and exciting one, and I look forward to instilling a love of learning that will last throughout your child's years of schooling. I consider it a great privilege and responsibility to be your child's teacher this year, and look forward to meeting each of you.

Please do not hesitate to call or email me with ANY questions or concerns!  I believe that by all of us working together we can make this a very successful year.


Whitney Michel

(406) 281-6201

Sunday, May 31, 2009

4th Grade School Supplies

12 - No. 2 yellow pencils
2 - Erasers ( 1 art gum & 1 pink)
1 - scissors
Ruler (inch and metric)
1 - package of wide ruled paper
2 - glue sticks
crayons, colored pencils, and markers
1 - large box of Kleenex
3 - pocket folders 
5 - spiral note books (wide-lined)
1 - Assignment notebook ($4.50 at Arrowhead office)
1 - Zippered desk bag (large)
3 - Dry erase markers
2 - red pens 
1 - Highlighter
Last name A-L - Disinfecting wipes
Last name M-Z - Hand Sanitizer  